المطور اليمني يضم عدد كبير من المقالات التقنية وشروحات مصوره وبرامج والعاب اندرويد وانظمة ويندوز ولينكس وادواتها واخبار حصرية عن فيسبوك وجوجل وسامسونج والايفون.
One of the mainreasonsthat reduce theefficiency oflaptopyou haveand reduce theperformance ofthe machineis the highdegree oflaptopsand thefirst factortohightemperature isdustaccumulatedlaptop.We havethe issue ofthe causes ofandsolutions tothe problem of highgradelaptopheat andwe reviewed theproblemfullyand solutions.Adviseeveryoneread this threadto avoid this problem.This is thefirst stepandthe most importantthat you shoulddo tospeed up thelaptop.
2. Turn off thesoftware that workswithstart
I know wehavea review ofthisstepbefore,but this timeI wantto emphasizeit.There is nodifference between theaccelerationspeed up your PCorlaptop,but here wereview the most importantstepsandwhen we talk aboutthe most important stepsto speed up thelaptopmustrememberto stopprograms that workwiththe startof Windows.
To stopprograms that workwithstart-up, follow these steps:(forWindows 7 users)
Click on theStart menu, then selectRun,then typemsconfig, and thenselectStart Up,and then delete thetruefrom the front ofprograms that do notwantto work withstart-upandthe bestsignthatnotallDisable it,then pressOk.
To stopprograms that workwithstart-up, follow these steps:(for users ofWindows 8)
By pressingCtrl + Shift + Escto runTask ManagerTask Manager,and thenStart-upwindow,and thenselect theprogram you want tostop himand thenyou press theDisablebelow,and you will noticethe situationStatusin front ofeach program, whetherEnableanypossible,andDisableany such suspension,turn offall programs.
Thus,the machinedoesnotread anyprogramsor to make anyoperationswiththe beginning ofWindows!,Andthus becomeslaptopshavemuchfaster, as theseprograms workwithstartandremainrunning in the backgroundandsodramaticallyisyourconsumptionandunderperformslaptopyou have, but with ashut offwill increasethe efficiency oflaptopsandincreasinglyfocus on importantprogramsand whatthey are already doing.
3. UpgradetheincreaseinlaptopRam
We haveon the subjectdo you needto increase thesize of theRamon your device tomake itfaster?Review andclear answer tothis question, you shouldknow thatincreasing theramin your systemfrom1GBto2GBwill adda big difference, butRamincreasefrom 8 to16 GBwill not happenany differencethatyou are a regularuser of the computer.Soupgraderaminyourlaptopfrom1GBto2GBor2 to4 GBcertainlywill add averybig difference.To change theRam,you shouldknow youraminyourDDR2orDDR3andthe bestthat yousnapped araminyourlaptopwhen you buy anew one.He alsomustyou searchusing themodel oflaptopyou have torecognize themaximumRAMcan bearyourlaptop.
4.Hardupgrade tofill
Previouslythe subject ofourreview of theresponsetoa veryimportant questionwhich iswhy you needtoHardSSDand certainlywe reviewed theanswerclearly.ValtrgihHardtoSSDin bothcomputer orlaptopin thelaptopwill support thespeedand raisethe efficiency of thelaptopa lot.Buton the other handprices ofthis kind ofAlhardathighand notaffordable for everyone, butif it cameto youthe opportunity toupgradeI advise youto dobecause theydeservewithouta doubt.
5.screeningprocesseson your computer anddo not wantto stopwhat
Thisis certainlyan importantstepbasically,I do not knowhowto havea toolinyourWindowstask manager,it does notalwaysuse itto monitor theconsumptionof operationsfor your deviceand programsthat killyour computer.Laptopsufferingthatdidnot use theTask Managertool.Where you mustexamine theprocesses orprograms that runin the background ofyour device andconsumeRamorAlmimoriandfigure out how muchto consumeand the percentagetoo.As a result,because thismaybe difficulton the user'snormalto follow upoperations on thedevicesowe haveto explainitthroughvideoaboveis clear andunderstandablefor everyoneexplains how you canexaminethe processes andtrack how muchis consumedeach programandalso learnexoticprocessesin the background andthat consumeyourresources.
Note thatthe stepsaboveare not the onlylaptopto makeyoubetter,butthere aresteps thatwe havereviewedbythe computerandthat you shouldbe carried outas well.So weonlyfocuson theimportanceofthese steps, butthis is not enoughat all,andstepsmust be appliedalsotospeed up your PClaptopshave.
Five most important steps to speed up your computer to run better
Reviewed by شادي الزمر
5:13:00 م
Rating: 5
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