المطور اليمني يضم عدد كبير من المقالات التقنية وشروحات مصوره وبرامج والعاب اندرويد وانظمة ويندوز ولينكس وادواتها واخبار حصرية عن فيسبوك وجوجل وسامسونج والايفون.
It seems thatthe South Korean company"Samsung"does not livethisbest periodof days, afterthe accusations made againsther aroundto spyonits usersthrough thebuilt-invoice commandsfeature ofsmartits televisionduring the beginning ofthis week,once againsome quarterstoaccuseSamsungimposeads onusersthese devices.
SmartTV, whichformedduring the last periodasuccess ofSamsungfactorswerethe cause ofthese daysandthe attacksandcriticismsagainst her,andthe first wasaccused ofexploiting thebuilt-invoice commandsin theserviceof these devicesin order to collectprivateinformation andpersonalizedforusers andis whatconfirmed by thecompany through theuseagreement, whichsaystheSamsungusersvoice commandsfeatureclearly"please note thatinthe event thatwaswhat you sayhas apersonal orsensitive information, this informationcan berecordedby thedeviceandsend itto a third party," andthe companyjustifiedSouthKoreanthis practiceof beinginvolved inthe context of improvingits servicesfor users ofsmartits televisionandnot forespionage.
But the newproblemthat appearedrelatedads,where thenumber of userscomplainedthatthe South Korean companyisto imposeads onsmartTelovesionathausersareimposed, and randomandthese adsshowwhile watching theuserfor moviesthat are downloadedfroma different sourcein addition tothe live broadcast, whichoccurredprogramsespeciallyfor users ofthe deviceinAustraliaafter the broadcastinterruptionfrequentlybetween 20and 30 minutesto showspecialkind ofsoft drinkads.
Samsungdid not take longto respond to theaccusationsandpointed out thatwhat happenedwas notpremeditated, but ratherthe result ofan errorin the modernization ofthe programmaticside,but othersources confirmthat itmay be related tothe experienceofSamsungandmayimposeadsin the futureusers ofsmartTelovesionatha
After being accused of spying .. Samsung facing a "scandal" again!
Reviewed by شادي الزمر
2:38:00 م
Rating: 5
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