المطور اليمني يضم عدد كبير من المقالات التقنية وشروحات مصوره وبرامج والعاب اندرويد وانظمة ويندوز ولينكس وادواتها واخبار حصرية عن فيسبوك وجوجل وسامسونج والايفون.
AgaincausedsmartphonesChargersor ratherbaduse of theseaccessories inseriousdisasterscould leadtothe deaths ofsome users,and it iswhat happened inthis casewhere themedia reportedthata youngRussianobsessedwas killedduringusesmarttoherwho was in theshipment. Newstransfer site"Russia Today,"where he pointedout that theyoung Russiandied ofelectric shockfromheriPhone4,whichtook himwith themin the showerandwasconnected toa charger,electric,butthe fall of thesmartphonein the bathtubled to herelectricattachingclaimedher life. According tothe site, theyoungRussian"EvgeniaSviridenko"wasobsessed withsocial networking,andit seemsthat thedesirenot to missanything newon these sitesled her topick upher phoneeven whilebathing. This storyandothersbrings to mind theneed forcaution andduring theuse ofelectricchargersforelectronicdevicesandavoiddoingsimilar.actions
Smartphone Charger kills obsessed Russian
Reviewed by شادي الزمر
11:50:00 ص
Rating: 5
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