المطور اليمني يضم عدد كبير من المقالات التقنية وشروحات مصوره وبرامج والعاب اندرويد وانظمة ويندوز ولينكس وادواتها واخبار حصرية عن فيسبوك وجوجل وسامسونج والايفون.
It is known thata lot of usersare usingdatingappsandmeetingson the Internet, especiallyon theAndroidoperatingsystemdevices, buta new reporthas warnedofthe consequences ofthe use of theseapplications onIT securityfor users.
The new studyhascommissionedIBM'snearly41datingon the Androidsystemapplications,and it seems thatthe findings ofthis reportwere notencouraging,andaccording tothe report published bythe companyit isandthrough theanalysis ofthese applicationsstood onthe existence ofa large numberof mediumgapsanda bigthreatfor the user, butthat's not all.
OnlyIBM, theseapplicationsenableaccess toadditional featureson the mobile deviceuserKalcamaraandmicrophone, butas well as thelocationandareloopholeshackersexploitedcan, as the26applicationout of 41application thathasall thestudyshowed a significantdecreaseon the securitylevel.
Among thetipsmade by theIBMusersof suchapplicationsis to usedifferent passwords for eachapplicationseparatelyandso as tomake it difficulttask ofhackersincasesMaholtbreakthroughuser accounts,in addition toaccess to thecontinuous updating ofthese applicationsandmake surethe features thatcanapplytheir accessandthatit does notaffect theuser's privacy.
Beware of dating applications on Android !
Reviewed by شادي الزمر
2:38:00 م
Rating: 5
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