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الرئيسية/Internet News/Marketing/Tuition/How to Tell the performance of the graphics card your knowledge and capabilities in the operation of the new games
How to Tell the performance of the graphics card your knowledge and capabilities in the operation of the new games
Sometimesyou wantto know thegraphicscardinyour computer's abilitydoesbearsome new gamesorother programsrunning, soin this postpropose toyoua simple programyou canfind outall the informationabout yourgraphics card.
GPU Caps Vieweris asoftwareprofessionalin theprocess of verifying thecapabilitiesandsettings ofyourreal-time,and thussee if theywill supportthe newdisplaycardgame you wantTaatbethhaor otherwise.
Is aprofessionalprogram in theprocess of verifying thecapabilitiesandsettings ofyourGPUin real time,and thussee if theywill supportthe newdisplaycardgame you wantTaatbethhaor otherwise.hocourseis very simpleto use.
Once youdownloadthe application fromtheir official website,andrun itwill automaticallyreveal theGPUinyour computerwith all the informationrelated to it,such as speeding,andDriver, temperature,and other information
You can alsoseethe performance ofthe graphics cardinseveralother details (Kzlal,three-dimensionalparticlesystem...).You can find outthe ability ofgraphics cardto rungames thatrequire highgraphicscardand even somedimensionaltriangulardesignandeditingprograms, and so on.
As you can seethe toolvery easy to use,andalso enables youtoworktest(GPU, OpenGL, CUDA, OpenCL)you can get allthe information you needon graphics cardsyour,Gemayelalsosaid the programcan detectmore than onecardgraphicsinthat one.
The program is freeand availableto thewindowssystemandcan be downloaded from here
How to Tell the performance of the graphics card your knowledge and capabilities in the operation of the new games
Reviewed by شادي الزمر
4:06:00 م
Rating: 5
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