المطور اليمني يضم عدد كبير من المقالات التقنية وشروحات مصوره وبرامج والعاب اندرويد وانظمة ويندوز ولينكس وادواتها واخبار حصرية عن فيسبوك وجوجل وسامسونج والايفون.
The social networkingsiteFacebookin the application ofa newfeature that allowsusersto choosehissuccessortotheir accountsin case of death,andthis shouldbe theheir toone of theusers onthelist offriendsandisnot the firstfeatureof its kindin this areabegan. Andconsideredthe issue ofthe management ofuseraccounts onsocial networkinganddigital worldsitesgenerallysitesafter his death,one of thetechnicaldilemmasandmoralthat have emergedin recent times,andFacebookhas recentlydealtwiththis problemby addingtwo advantagesin this regardTmcnanofthe closure ofthe user accountdeceasedor convertedtoa memorialpage,but todaythere is a thirdfeature.
The new featurelaunchedFacebookinpublishedbetween usersandwill be available inthe settings forthe user accountin the section onsecurityandisan optional feature,andenable it tochoose a friendwhowill inheritthe user accountafterdeathaccount, buta friend whois chosenforthis process,it is notobligedto agree,wherehe couldrejectionoracceptance.
Facebook allows the user to choose the heir to his account in the event of death
Reviewed by شادي الزمر
9:22:00 ص
Rating: 5
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