المطور اليمني يضم عدد كبير من المقالات التقنية وشروحات مصوره وبرامج والعاب اندرويد وانظمة ويندوز ولينكس وادواتها واخبار حصرية عن فيسبوك وجوجل وسامسونج والايفون.
The US Agency for"Darpa"the US Armyrevealedits new projectandon the development ofnewresearchis able todo whatdoes notplaythe traditionalsearch enginesandforemostengineGoogle search engine,the newtoolwill be called"Memex"andwill work on"deep"Webdiscovery.
AndagencyDarpaplans to developa new search engineis distinguished fromotherenginesbeingfocused onAlmdilmaplacesfrom the web orwhat they call the"deep web"ordeepWeb,where all thesearch enginesandon top ofthe famous searchengine Googleprovidingsearch resultsbelong toonly5 perpercent ofWebcomponentswithneglectandthe restof95 percent of thedata, especially regarding thesitesand non-indexedpages.
According to"ChrisWhite"oneresponsible forthis projectwithin theUnited States Agency forDarpa, thenew search engineMemexwillrevealthe hiddensideorhiddenfrom the webwherewill dependonthe results ofhis researchon visitingSecureNetwork"Tor"oras well aspages andsitesare not indexedon the Webandothers toprovidemore accurateresults.
Andunfortunately, thenew search engineMemexwill beonlythe firstdedicatedphaseto the US authoritieswhere he is currentlyworkingwiththe USDepartment of Defenseandwas the cause ofresolvedfor a number ofcriminal cases,the horizontestedandmaybe availableto the publicsoon,but theagencyDarpaandforestalleachfearsShe noted that thenew enginecan notcollect anyprivateuser informationprivacy,orat least that'swhat is being saidnow.
Learn Memex Find who discovers deep web engin
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