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Way to increase storage space in Google Drive to 2 GB free with Google

طريقة زيادة مساحة التخزين في Google Drive إلى 2 جيغا بالمجان مع جوجل

Awareness of the need to protect Gmail accounts and ensure safety framework would give Google the 2 GB free of charge for each of the job to check the safety of their account on Jimaal through the Security Checkup . When you click on the link then just to make sure all the data that appears in your page is correct before clicking the confirmation, until the end of all the steps.

 طريقة زيادة مساحة التخزين في Google Drive إلى 2 جيغا بالمجان

 After the February 28 date from the year 2015, Google will begin to increase the area of the downloaded examination before the date of February 17, for this to not hesitate in discernible time to examine your Gmail, and the signal from own accounts on Google Apps Google apps Eshmlhm offer. Enjoy!

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